Something different, and I hope for more.
Walter Joyce has gained the attention of a Newgrounds watcher named GundamFreakX. He is enthralled by the simplistic, yet complex artwork. The storyline entices him and compels him, begging for his attention. The more GundamFreakX watches, the more he becomes addicted. Soon, the Flash consumes him, and he is hypnotized by its amazing quality of work. However, just when he believed this Flash was all he needed to watch in order to attain satisfaction in life, the Flash ends. GundamFreakX becomes enraged. He wonders, "Is that it? Is there more? Will there be anymore to this story?" The thoughts of there never being a continuing plot to an enticing storyline consumes him, bringing him into a pit of despair. Now, GundamFreakX sits and waits everyday at his computer, the web page always on Newgrounds. He just sits there, waiting for a new Flash of Walter Joyce to appear, so his hunger for more knowledge may be removed, and satisfaction returned. There, he continues to wait to this very day...
Anyway, good Flash. Really enjoyed it.