It's aptly named and beaufitully done...
This is a track ripe with feeling and emotion from beginning to end. All 16 minutes felt like a trip through a desolate city wrecked from war and poverty on the low than transcends to the top where the chaos and disease of below are nothing but an afterthought. I admit it was a bit out of place with the flow of the rest of the track, but even in times of depression, you tend to disguise yourself from others so no one ever assumes you have a problem and you can go on without their pity. Sort of how those that live at the top just push aside the thoughts of the lowly and broken down below so they can go on with their comfortable lives. But pretending it's not there doesn't mean it will go away. You build upon the ashes of once was and sooner or later, the gilded lie you've come to accept as reality will come crumbling down when the dead and decayed can no longer go on supporting the lavish. Eventually worlds collide, and the end result could be catastrophic or life-changing. But both are two sides to the same coin...
That was what it felt to me. Definitely fits with the depressed mood this track was based from and emanates. It's rare that you have an ambient track with a length of more than 6 minutes still have the listening value at the end as it did at the beginning, but you seem to have figured out the formula. This is beautiful work and I'm leaning towards supporting such a talented artist and buying a copy of your CD. Keep us informed of its release date and I'll be sure to try and send some dollars your way. Keep up the excellent work and thanks for sending me on quite the journey.